Saturday, March 20, 2010

Raindrops keep falling on my head...

No, seriously. It's been raining on and off these past few days, but I haven't let that dampen my good mood. I currently feel very much like Peter Parker after he gave up being Spider-Man (please excuse this moment of utter dorkiness). There is a lightness in my step, a constant smile on my face. Why? Because in T minus 5 hours, I will be on a plane that will officially mark the beginning of an entire month of travels. Starting in Athens, I'll be going to Istanbul, Cairo, Luxor, Cappadocia, Prague, and finally Hadrian's Wall. It's a small list compared to that of many of my other fellow study abroad students, but what they make in breadth, I'll more than make up for in depth. Hopefully, I'll come across something like this:

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