Saturday, October 3, 2009

Salve atque Vale

It's my last day in the states, and I'm really thinking about how much I'll miss RI, particularly at this time of the year. New England is truly at its best during the fall, since that's when so many vibrant colors begin to appear, even more so (I think) than in the spring. It's nice to look up and see the leaves all different shades of green, red, orange, and yellow. It reminds me of Sony Bravia's brilliant tv ads about color.

There are many other ads, but this one's just my favorite (though most people seem to like the paint ad best). Why I love this ad more than any other is its simplicity and beauty. How nice would life be to just look around you and see all that color in the air, to just roll through life at that pace and with that song in the background? I think that would be the most pleasant way of life of all.

Anyways, I was just thinking about all this when I drove by the pumpkin sale in Barrington yesterday. I may be leaving before the leaves are all rosy and golden, but at least I caught the pumpkins. Pumpkins and orange everywhere!

I know I'm also going to miss Brown. It may be pathetic that I'm actually going to miss SCHOOL, but I really do believe that the campus is beautiful (under favorable weather conditions). No more lounging on the greens, trekking up and down college hill, studying in the Rock, or grabbing a drink from the Blue Room or Blue State. I know I'll be able to find new favorite pastimes and habitual haunts soon enough, though.

This last inscription on the right of the Van Wickle Gates is from Cicero's "Pro Archia." I think this phrase will fit quite nicely in my new school setting. And so, farewell, Brown.


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